Pudding Cake with only 4 ingredients
After I learned how to make this pudding cake with just 4 ingredients, I never stopped eating it because of how delicious it is! Let's learn?
– 5 eggs- 2 boxes of condensed milk- 1 bottle of coconut milk of 200ml- 1 cup of milk (240ml)
How to make:
1 – Add the 5 eggs, the condensed milk, the coconut milk, and the milk to the blender2 – And let it liquefy well for 3 minutes3 – In an aluminum mold, grease with butter and sugar so the pudding cake is golden brown4 – Leave in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 45 minutes.5 – The ideal point is for it to be very golden and when you put a toothpick it comes out dry6 – Leave in the fridge for 1 hourReady our pudding cake with only 4 ingredients is ready and delicious, you will want to eat more than one piece!CLICK HERE AND WATCH THE VIDEO – PUDDING CAKE WITH ONLY 4 INGREDIENTS
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