Quick Condensed Milk Pudding Made in 30 minutes

pudim rápido de leite condensado

Quick Condensed Milk Pudding

Learn how to make a delicious condensed milk pudding and the best, it's ready in 30 minutes.


– 2 Cans of Condensed Milk – 3 eggs – 500 ml of Whole Milk – Optional: 10 drops of Vanilla Essence (to remove the egg smell)

For the syrup:

– 01 cup of refined sugar tea – 100 ml of water at room temperature to pour into the melted sugar.

Way of doing:


1 – Put 1 cup of sugar in a pan and stir until it melts and forms a syrup, add a little water and stir well.

2 – Pour the syrup into a pudding mold. Rotate the form, until the syrup passes all over the side of the form. Reserve.


3 – Add 2 cans of condensed milk, 3 eggs, 500 ml of whole milk to the blender, optional 10 drops of vanilla essence (vanilla is used to remove the taste of the egg), beat well for 3 minutes.

4 – pour the mixture into the mold and cover the mold with aluminum foil.

5 – In a larger pan, which fits the shape of the pudding, add boiling water, place the shape of the pudding inside, cover and take it to the stove for 30 minutes.

6 – To find the right spot, pierce it with a knife, or a toothpick, and if it's dry, nothing comes out, it's already done.

7 – Put your quick milk pudding to freeze in the fridge for 3 to 4 hours.

8 – Misinform.

9 – Place the form of the pudding, a little on the stove burner to melt the remaining syrup.

10 – Your quick condensed milk pudding is ready to serve.


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