Curd Creamy Homemade

Requeijão Cremoso Caseiro

Curd Creamy Homemade

A delicious homemade cream cheese, delicious and very easy to make. Natural and preservative-free cottage cheese.


1 liter of whole milk 5 tablespoons of white vinegar 2 tablespoons of butter with salt salt to taste 70 ml of milk

How to make:

1 – In a pan, add 1 liter of whole milk, heat the milk until it boils.

2 – Turn off the heat and add 5 tablespoons of white vinegar. Stir and cover the pan, let it rest for 3 minutes.

3 – Sieve and remove all the whey. (Tip whey can be used as fertilizer)

4 – In the blender, pour the curds, 2 tablespoons of butter, a pinch of salt and 70ml of whole milk. Beat well for 3 minutes.

5 – Pour into a glass, preferably with a lid.

6 – Put it in the fridge until it gets more consistent.

Your homemade cream cheese is ready. Help yourself!


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