Easy and delicious 2-ingredient dessert

Sobremesa com 2 ingredientes fácil e deliciosa

Easy and delicious 2-ingredient dessert

Today we are going to learn an easy and delicious dessert with 2 ingredients, in addition to being very economical. Come with me!


– 4 jellies of your favorite flavor (total 100 g)- 3 boxes of sour cream (600 g)

How to make:

1st part:

On a platter add 2 sachets of gelatin of the flavor of your preference, in which case I will use passion fruit. 1 and a half cups of hot water, the measure of my cup is 200ml and mix well. Then add 1 cup (200ml) of ice water and mix again.Grease a refractory or any container of your choice with oil, and pour the gelatin then leave it in the fridge for 1 hour. With the gelatin very firm, cut it into large cubes.Place the already cut gelatin, in an aluminum pudding mold greased with oil so you don't have the risk of sticking the gelatin and reserve it in the fridge

2nd Part:

In the blender, add 2 cups of hot water, 2 sachets of gelatin of your choice, I will use pineapple and 3 boxes of cream and beat well for 3 minutes. Now just add it in the form of the gelatine we had reserved. Place in the fridge for approximately 3 hours or until firm.And ready our dessert with 2 easy and delicious ingredients is ready! Help yourself!CLIQUE AQUI E ASSISTA O VÍDEO – SOBREMESA COM 2 INGREDIENTES

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