Powerful Detox Juice Deflates Cleans Everything and Slimming
Are you feeling bloated and needing to lose weight? You asked me and today I'm going to teach you a powerful detox juice, cleanses everything and lose weight
– 1 chopped green apple (without the seeds)- 1 chopped carrot- 1 lemon, peeled and chopped- 1 apple, chopped (without the seeds)- 1 peeled and chopped orange- 1 kale leaf, cut into strips- 6 mint leaves- 300ml of very cold water
Preparation mode:
1 – Add all the ingredients to the blender and blend well for 3 minutes until smooth2 – Optional: strain the juice with the help of a sieveReady our detox juice is ready drink it in the morning on an empty stomach, in the first few weeks you will already see the results!CLICK HERE AND WATCH THE VIDEO – POWERFUL DETOX JUICE
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