Quick Snack with only 3 Ingredients

Lanche Rápido com apenas 3 Ingredientes

Quick Snack with only 3 Ingredients

This quick snack recipe with only 3 ingredients will surprise you. Just potato, wheat flour and mozzarella, simple and delicious.


– 4 potatoes, boiled and peeled – 3 cups of tea well filled with wheat flour – 200g of grated mozzarella or other filling of your choice

Optional: – Salt to taste – Oregano to taste

How to make:

1 – In a container, pour 4 boiled and chopped potatoes and mash well with a fork or a potato masher until it becomes a very homogeneous puree.

2 – Add 1 tablespoon of salt (optional) and add the wheat flour gradually and mix until it becomes a dough that comes off your hands.

3 – Take the desired amount of dough and form a ball with your hands, then press to flatten. (it is recommended to grease your hands with butter or cooking oil)

4 – Add mozzarella to taste and oregano (optional) and close.

5 – Make a ball again and flatten it again.

6 – Fry the snack in the hot oil, until the desired point. no need to cover with oil. Another option is to bake in the oven. It's also very good.

Your quick snack with just 3 ingredients, it's ready. Help yourself!


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