Roasted Sweet Potato

Batata Doce Assada

Baked sweet potato

I made sweet potatoes like this and made everyone’s mouth water. With this baked sweet potato recipe, you will be surprised how tasty it is and everyone will love it. Simple and inexpensive recipe.


– 28 oz./800g of sweet potato
– 3 cloves of garlic
– 1 spoon of salt
– pepperoni pepper to taste
– fresh rosemary
– 1 tablespoon of butter
– 1 teaspoon of sweet paprika
– 1 teaspoon of oregano
– 2 tablespoons of olive oil

How to prepare:

1 – Cut the sweet potato into pieces, no need to remove the skin.
2 – Add the potato to the pan along with 3 sliced garlic cloves, 1 tablespoon of salt, pepperoni pepper to taste, and fresh rosemary stalks. Add water until the potatoes are covered.
3 – Mix well, cover the pan and let it boil.
4 – Let it boil for 10 minutes. Drain and place in a bowl.
5 – In another container, place 1 tablespoon of butter, 1 teaspoon of sweet paprika, 1 teaspoon of oregano, and two tablespoons of olive oil. Mix well.
6 – Add the sauce to the potatoes and mix well.
7 – Add the potatoes in an aluminum form and take them to the oven at 220° for 40 minutes.

Your baked sweet potato is ready and delicious, enjoy your meal!



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