Sausage Roll made with Loaf of Bread

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Sausage roll made with loaf of bread

Delicious sausage roll made with loaf of bread. Wonderful salty and super easy to make. This salty is a hit anytime.


– Boiled sausages, quantity to taste – Loaf of bread, same quantity as sausages – 200g of Mozzarella – 2 scrambled eggs – 1/2 cup of milk – Pinch of salt to taste – Optional: pinch of black pepper – 2 cups of breadcrumbs – Optional: 4 tablespoons grated or shredded Parmesan cheese

How to make:

1 – Boil 12 sausages and set aside.

2 – Separate 12 slices of bread and remove the entire edge.

3 – Use a rolling pin or a glass bottle to knead the slice of bread. make it very thin.

4 – On the slice, place 1 slice of mozzarella, oregano to taste and finally put the sausage and roll it with the bread.

5 – Stir 2 eggs, add 1/2 cup of milk, salt and pepper to taste, mix well and set aside.

6 – On a plate, place 2 cups of breadcrumbs and 4 tablespoons of grated Parmesan cheese, mix well and set aside.

7 – Now, pass the sausage roll with loaf of bread in the eggs, then in the breadcrumbs and set aside.

8 – Fry with very hot oil. Can be baked too.

Your sausage roll made with loaf of bread is ready. Call your friends and help yourself!


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